Ah, pickleball – the sport that’s taking the world by storm with its quirky blend of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. It’s not just a game; it’s a lifestyle! But let’s face it, even the most fun activities come with their fair share of mishaps. Fear not, pickleball pals, because at Care Medical Group we’ve got your back, ankles, elbows, and everything in between covered!

Just like the sport itself, pickleball injuries can be a bit of a mixed bag. One minute you’re chasing down a “drop shot” (which, let’s be honest, sometimes feels more like a drop-your-ankle shot), the next you’re sprawled on the court wondering if your “kitchen game” is about to become a trip to the urgent care kitchen.

Here at Care Medical Group, we see it all: the overzealous backhand that turns into a backache, the desperate lunge for a volley that results in a twisted ankle, and the overenthusiastic “dink” that ends in a disappointed wince.


Pickleball Peculiarities: The Common Injuries

So, you’ve been slammin’ and dinkin’ on the pickleball court, and suddenly you’ve got yourself into a bit of a pickle! Here are some of the common mishaps we’ve seen:

  • Sprains and Strains: Quick moves and sudden twists can leave you with a sprained ankle or a strained muscle, putting a temporary pause on your victory dance.
  • Tennis Elbow: Who knew a sport involving a paddle could lead to tennis elbow? Those repetitive swings can leave your funny bone not feeling so funny.
  • Rotator Cuff Rumbles: Serving up some smashes can take a toll on your rotator cuff, leaving you feeling a bit tender in the shoulder department.
  • Knee Capers: Watch out for those wild moves! One wrong turn could have you nursing a knee injury instead of scoring points.
  • Bruises and Battle Scars: Oops! A tumble here, a collision there – before you know it, you’re sporting a colorful array of bruises and scrapes, like a badge of honor from the pickleball battlefield.


But hey, don’t let a little pickleball pain dill your day! We’re here to help you relish the fun and avoid the ouch. So, remember to dress for success (comfortable shoes, people!), warm up properly (those reflexes don’t get sharper with age!), and know your limits (because let’s face it, you’re not Serena Williams out there).

And if the worst happens, don’t despair. We’re just a hop, skip, and a jump away (hopefully without any actual hopping or skipping) to get you back on the court in no time. Just remember, winning is great, but staying healthy is even better!